Sambal Tauco

Sambal Tauco

Sambal Tauco

Sambal Tauco

Sambal Tauco is a crucial condiment for Coto Makassar, the previous recipe I posted. Well actually its pretty good that you can put it in most of Sotos, or even as a dip for your favorite tempura. If you can't find the Tauco paste, you can replace it with Korean Soy bean paste. 


5 tbsp Tauco,
8 bird eye chillis.
6 Thai chillis,
1/4 tsp fennel seeds,
4 roasted candlenuts,
Salt to taste,
Sugar to taste,

Cooking step:

1. Paste all the ingredients, except the tauco,
2. On a pan, heat oil on medium, add the paste ingredients and tauco, stir gently so that the Tauco is blend in perfectly,
3. Continue cooking until it fragrants and well cooked. If the sambal is well cooked, it can be preserved for a long time.

Happy cooking!


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