Avocado Creme Pudding

Avocado Creme Pudding

Avocado Creme Pudding

In Indonesia we called it Jus Alpukat..... 
You can make it by yourself at home, so why you must spend alot of  money to get this delicious dessert...


2 Avocado
25ml White Condensed milk
Very Cold Chocolate milk  ( since I don't have Condensed Chocolate Milk, so I alternated this with chocolate milk)
Cacao Powder

1. Cut the Avocado into 2 part... take the pit out.. and then with spoon take the fruit's meat out, choose the avocado ripe enough and not the hard one.
2 With Blender , blend the avocado, with Chocolate milk...with speed medium 2 minutes..
3. Put the Blended Avocado into the glass , then pour the condensed milk, then the Cacao powder...


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